Sunday, December 26, 2010

super hero movie

malayalam scripts

well to start with 1900 when the world war was going on.. scientist were working on how to make super humans that can be used in warfare.. (in Britain)... they found it unsuitable to use.. soo they send it to underground.. since it has a chance to explode they didnt want to take a chance in keeping it.. soo they sent it to one of the places thats owned by the british.. and Indias name pops out.. they buried it ... and told no1.. years later some archologist found the burial places.. and it was taken to the department for research.. terriost attacked the places for the retrival of the tonic.. the hero will be working as a security guard in that place.. During the fight b/w the hero and the vilain the tonic gt dropped .. the tonic evaporates in the air ... it entered both the hero and the villain lungs.. and they faded of.. villain was carried away by his troops and hero remained fainted.
both of them gt new powers ... (first half)

powers include super reflexs..super human strength...and a kind of force that goes by the hand...

villian starts to sabotage the cities(mainly looting banks).. no one can stop him.. hero's power's were comparitively weak compared to him.. during one of his sabtage hero saves a reporters life and they falls in love with eachother..

during 1 of the looting in the bank.. the heroine reporting in the tv.. the hero comes to stop him bt he was beaten to death.. during that time the heroine was runing towards the hero.. the villain grab hold of her and sad the hero will die after seeing his girlfriend dies.. the hero gets real angry and he discovers his powers increased and he pushes him back ward with som kind of force.. and starts to fight him.. since the heros powers are boosted up.. the villain finds it hard to hit him.. and the villain was beaten up pretty hard .. and the hero was about to kill him.. when his gf arrives to stop him... the villain was taken to underground facility.. and locked up.. and the hero went on to live his life with his gf...(the end)

second part contines....

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